Notas (Mexico: privately published, 1954).
Textos I (Bogotá: privately published, 1959).

Escolios a un Texto Implícito (Bogotá: Instituto Colombiano de Cultura, 1977): 2 volumes.

Nuevos Escolios a un Texto Implícito (Bogotá: Procultura, Presidencia de la República, Nueva Biblioteca Colombiana de Cultura 1986): 2 volumes.

De iure (Bogotá: Revista del Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario, LXXXI, No. 542, abril-junio 1988, pp. 67-85).
Sucesivos Escolios a un Texto Implícito (Bogotá: Instituto Caro y Cuervo 1992): 1 volume.

El Reaccionario Auténtico (Medellín, Colombia: Revista de la Universidad de Antioquia, No. 240, abril- junio 1995, pp. 16-19).
Bogotá publishing house Villegas Editores has recently re-issued the complete Escolios (including an introduction by Franco Volpi) in a box set, as well as Notas and Textos I. Also available from Villegas Editores is an anthology of Gómez Dávila's aphorisms edited by his daughter, Escolios a un Texto Implícito: Selección.
While the box set (La Obra Completa) is overall a superb edition, Selección contains many typographical errors. Most of the mistakes are minor misspellings and easily detected, but others actually alter the meaning of the sentence. Furthermore, whoever edited the books obviously did not bother to check with someone who knew Greek. Final sigma (ς) is often replaced by xi (ξ), and kappa (κ) is often confused with chi (χ). Even the very first word in the epigram from Diogenes Laërtius (see left sidebar) is missing an omicron in the middle.

The Spanish publisher Editorial Atalanta this past year brought out a complete one-volume edition of the Escolios and a new edition of Textos I, which it simply calls Textos.

Finally, Spanish publisher Los Papeles del Sitio has issued another anthology of aphorisms, Escolios Escogidos. The book was edited by philosopher Juan Arana, who also provided an introduction. While this anthology contains fewer aphorisms than the Villegas anthology, it does have the advantage that all the aphorisms are arranged by topic, making for easier reference for the reader.

German Translations
The German translations were the first to be published, starting shortly before Gómez Dávila's death in 1994.
Notas is now available (since 2005) in translation as Notas. Unzeitgemäße Betrachtungen (an obvious allusion to Nietzsche's early essays). The translation is by Ulrich Kunzmann. The book also includes a prologue by Martin Mosebach (in English here), and an epilogue by the late Franco Volpi.

Textos I, De iure, and El Reaccionario Auténtico have been translated into German and collected as Texte und andere Aufsätze. The translation is by Herminio Redondo, and this edition contains an epilogue by Till Kinzel.

The first unabridged German edition of Escolios was published in 2006 as Scholien zu einem inbegriffenen Text. The translation was carried out by Th. Knefeli and G.R. Siegl.

Before these editions, Gómez Dávila's works were available in German only in three separate volumes. These volumes were:
Einsamkeiten (with an epilogue by Franz Niedermayer), Auf verlorenem Posten, and Aufzeichnungen des Besiegten

In 2006, Martin Mosebach edited an anthology of Gómez Dávila's aphorisms, with the title Das Leben ist die Guillotine der Wahrheiten, published by Hans Magnus Enzensberger's Die Andere Bibliothek.

In 2007, the Reclam Verlag, known for its cheap student editions of many classic works, with their distinctive yellow covers, decided to make Gómez Dávila available to the masses, and brought out Es genügt, dass die Schönheit unseren Überdruss streift ..., a collection of aphorisms selected by Michael Klonovsky.

Italian Translations
Italian translations by Lucio Sessa have been published in Milan by Adelphi Edizioni. So far, two volumes are available:
In margine a un Testo Implicito and Tra poche parole

French Translations
There are currently three volumes of French translations:
Les horreurs de la démocratie - Scolies pour un texte implicite (Paris: Anatolia/Éditions du Rocher, 2003). This edition contains an introduction by Samuel Brussell and an epilogue by Franco Volpi. The translation was carried out by Michel Bibard.

Le Réactionnaire authentique (Paris: Anatolia/Éditions du Rocher, 2005). This edition contains a preface by Martin Mosebach, Again, the translation is by Michel Bibard.

Carnets d'un vaincu, (Paris: L'Arche/Tête-à-tête, 2009). This book appears to be a small sample of aphorisms. The translation this time is by Alexandra Templier.

Polish Translations
Warsaw publishing house Furta Sacra is currently bringing out translations by Krzysztof Urbanek.
Następne scholia do tekstu implicite

Nowe scholia do tekstu implicite. Tom I

Nowe scholia do tekstu implicite. Tom II

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