December 25, 2010


Political scientists learnedly analyze the squawking, howling, [and] growling of the animals on board, while the maelstrom of the masses silently pushes the ship from one shore to another.

Escolios a un Texto Implícito: Selección, p. 399


  1. The original Spanish is:

    Los politólogos analizan sabiamente los gaznidos, gañidos, gruñidos, de los animales embarcados, mientras los remolinos empujan silenciosamente el barco hacia una u otra orilla.

  2. There are two noteworthy aspects of this aphorism in Spanish.

    First, the three nouns in a row in the first clause (squawking, howling, growling) all start with "g" in Spanish.

    Second, the word remolinos in the second clause means both a maelstrom and, in a figurative sense, a confused and turbulent mass of people.
