October 22, 2010


Modernism ingeniously finds a way not to present its theology directly, but rather through profane notions that imply it.
It avoids announcing to man his divinity, but proposes goals that only a god could reach, or rather proclaims that the essence of man has rights which assume he is divine.

Escolios a un Texto Implícito: Selección, p. 338

1 comment:

  1. The original Spanish is:

    El modernismo se ingenia con astucia para no presentar su teología directamente, sino mediante nociones profanas que la impliquen.
    Evita anunciarle al hombre su divinidad, pero le propone metas que sólo un dios alcanzaría o bien proclama que la esencia humana tiene derechos que la suponen divina.
